Ovarian cysts can be seen in different periods such as menopause and puberty.
Ovarian cysts according to age groups are as follows:
Functional cysts: Can be seen between the ages of 13-18. During this period, temporary cysts may occur because the body hormones have not yet settled. Follow-up of these cysts is very important because the possibility of ovarian torsion or rupture of the cyst due to the weight of the cyst is low. Torsion requires surgery. Ruptures may improve with follow-up. There is no drug treatment during this follow-up period.
Corpus luteum cysts: It is seen during menstrual periods. It occurs with ovulation and disappears almost completely.
Germ Cell Tumors: These are tumors that can be seen in adolescence and reproductive age. Surgery is sufficient for treatment, but sometimes chemotherapy may be required in addition. They are mostly solid masses. Diagnosis can be easily made with ultrasound control. Blood tests should also be performed. Since the patient is young, it is important to preserve fertility in such tumors. The tumor should not be left during surgery.Gyneco Oncological follow-up is important.
Dermoid cysts It can be seen during pregnancy. The cyst contains tissues such as skin, hair, fat and bone. The problem disappears with the removal of the mass. Dermoid cysts can cause sudden abdominal pain by rotating around itself.
Chocolate (endometrioma) cysts: They are so named because the structure inside the cyst resembles melted chocolate. They are the most common cysts during the reproductive period. During the fertile period, 1 out of every 10 women may have these cysts. If the patient is planning to have children, the patient should be followed up with ultrasound, but if the patient complains of too much pain, surgery is recommended. However, if CA-125, a tumor marker taken from the blood, shows an increase in the blood, surgery is also required in these patients. The risk of cancer is low in chocolate cysts in reproductive age. As age increases, the risk of chocolate cysts becoming tumoral increases.
Ovarian cysts may not always be treated surgically. However, in various cases, ovarian cysts may need to be removed surgically. This operation is called cystectomy in the literature.
Ovarian cyst surgeries can be performed with closed or open surgery methods. However, the closed method, i.e. laparoscopic method, is the most commonly used method today. In the closed surgery method, holes about 1 cm in size are made under the belly button and in the groin area. The cyst is removed through this hole. Since the incision is quite small, the patient’s recovery time is quite short.
Postoperative pain is much less than with open surgery. For this reason, closed surgery is more preferred with the approval of the physician.
After closed ovarian cyst surgery;
-Sexual intercourse should be avoided for 20 days.
Do not take a shower before -2 days. After 2 days, standing shower should be taken.
-Do not enter the pool, sea or bathtub for 10 days.
-Medicines prescribed by the physician should be taken without interruption.
-Check-ups should not be neglected.
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